Overseas councillor already sworn in

He might still be overseas, but Central Coast Councillor John Mouland is ahead of the game.

Mouland has taken the councillor’s Oath of Office at an Australian embassy in Spain.

He confirmed with Coast Community News journalist, Merilyn Vale, overnight Australian time, that he had contacted three embassies for consular assistance and was able to be sworn in at Madrid, Spain.

The rest of the new councillors will be sworn in this coming week.

The Local Government Act states that the oath or affirmation may be taken or made before the general manager of the council, an Australian legal practitioner or a justice of the peace.

Mouland is now able to attend the extraordinary meeting of Council on October 8 via audio-visual link and participate in voting for the mayor and deputy mayor, although it could be difficult if councillors vote to hold it as a secret ballot.

His ability to vote is important as the councillors would have numbered 14 without him, with possibly a deadlock in voting. 

If the numbers are even, the result could see the mayoral name drawn out of a hat.

The council is made up of five Liberals, five Labor, three Team Central Coast and two Independents.

Three former mayors are in the mix; Lawrie McKinna former Gosford mayor, Doug Eaton former Wyong mayor and Jane Smith former Central Coast mayor; all possibly interested in regaining the mayoral chains.

Mouland explained that his trip was the result of strict conditions on a trip planned before COVID-19 disrupted world travel.

“My wife’s elderly mother emigrated to Australia at the age of five after the Second World War, and has never had the opportunity to return to Europe,” Mouland said.

“Our original plan was to travel with her to Europe prior to COVID, however, like many other people at that time, our travel plans were cancelled. 

“As our current trip arrangements had strict cancellation conditions, unfortunately we were unable to change our travel dates once I decided to run for Council.”

After receiving notification of the election result, Mouland formally advised Council’s CEO of his situation and his return date to Australia of October 12.

CEO David Farmer canvassed the other councillors to postpone the meeting until October 14 but some said they could not make that new date so the original date was kept.

“Since receiving the required information from Council’s CEO on October 1, I have endeavoured to source an appointment at an Australian embassy to take the oath,” Mouland said.

“I sought consular assistance at the Paris, Geneva and Madrid Australian embassies, and I am pleased to advise that I was able to formally take the oath in Madrid this morning. 

“I now have the ability to attend the extraordinary Council meeting on the 8th remotely, which I will be attending via a video link.”

The councillors-elect have begun their induction process today with an all-day session scheduled for October 5 but it is the first of many planned over a six-week period.

“In regard to Council’s induction processes, I have previously had 10 years senior management experience at Gosford City Council, however, I will seek the opportunity to undertake any required training/onboarding on my return,” Mouland said.

Our councillors are irreplaceable: see related story here:

It’s a fact: our new 15 councillors are irreplaceable

Merilyn Vale

2 Comments on "Overseas councillor already sworn in"

  1. what a complete embarrassment for team Central Coast and shows their level of commitment to the job. Thinking he’s too good for training too and he will “catch up”. the absolute arrogance of him.

  2. I’ve just finished reading the agenda and the fine print means the councillors have to agree to allow Mr Mouland to attend by audio-visual link.
    What if they don’t agree to that?
    Also, they can decide to vote for the mayor and deputy as a show of hands or by secret ballot.
    If it is secret ballot, you have to physically be in the room so that rules out Mr Mouland.
    Will they play nice or will politiks play a part? Five LIbs, Five Labs, and five Others: but only four others if they exclude Mr Mouland.
    Geez, who’d miss attending the meeting? Not me!

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