Evident that party politics is entrenched

Letters to the editor are best received by email.

It was fascinating reading the Forum section (CCN October 10), for the fact that near all letters were in regard to the recent local council elections.

I cast my vote pre-poll and while standing in the queue I canvassed the views of my fellow voters.

I asked how they were voting and in particular if they would vote Yes or No in the referendum.

Most were voting in accordance to major political party lines.

The most interesting facet was that if given the choice to vote for NO councillors at all the overwhelmingly majority was a yes vote.

The re-election of Lawrie McKinna as mayor and Doug Eaton as his deputy is evident that party politics is entrenched in local government.

We do not need nine let alone 15 second-rate party hacks with their collective noses in the public trough.

There should be only one person elected by the people as mayor to act in honorary capacity to cut ribbons and open public buildings.

Email Oct 15,

Barry Lloyd, Bateau Bay

1 Comment on "Evident that party politics is entrenched"

  1. if you are interested in not having elected representation might I suggest moving to North Korea, China or perhaps Gabon.

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