Zoo comes to Red Tree Theatre

Annette Rowlison and Micaela Elphick in Zoo

Don’t miss Zoo by Lily Bevan when it plays for a short season at Tuggerah’s Red Tree Theatre from September 4-8.

A Miami zoo curator befriends a British bat enthusiast in this heart-warming play about courage, soulmates, sloths, flamingos and amorous penguins.

The latest Bare Theatrical Productions play takes place at Miami’s Cherokee Valley Zoo and Conservation Centre, where the most dangerous thing that ever happened was the tapir’s caesarean section.

That is until Hurricane Jonas sets itself on a crash course straight towards it.

Now animal curator Bonnie (Annette Rowlison) must rush to batten down the hatches and ensure the safety of her animals – and herself.

At the same time, she’s recording it for a CNN interviewer (Micaela Elphick) who also appears in other key roles as the story unfolds.

Meanwhile, halfway across the world in the Yorkshire Dales, Bonnie’s best friend Carol (Cath Maguire) from the North Yorkshire Bat Group feels the repercussions of that tempestuous night.

Can this bat lover help from afar?

Or will the dangers they face turn out to be deeper and darker than just a spot of bad weather?

Zoo will preview at Red Tree Theatre on Wednesday, September 4, at 2pm and then be performed at 7.30pm on Thursday and Friday, September 5 and 6, at 5pm on Saturday, September 7, and at 2pm on Sunday, September 8.

For bookings go to www.redtreetheatre.org.au

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