Team Central Coast wants to go back to basics

Lawrie McKinna

Team Central Coast, which is fielding 15 candidates in the September 14 election, is calling for a back-to-basics approach from the newly elected Central Coast Council to enable the delivery of infrastructure and services the community deserves.

Team leader Lawrie McKinna said one of their principal pillars on which their campaign platform was built – strong and sustainable economic management – also sought a return to Council’s core business of roads, rates and rubbish to enable positive change for the future of the region.

He said poor budget management and increasing pressure on rates and services in recent years had been stopping the Central Coast from economic advancement.

“To alleviate ongoing rate increases and the associated financial strain on residents and businesses in our region, a newly elected Council must pursue operational efficiencies and productivity improvements, while actively exploring alternative revenue sources,” McKinna said.

“This will require a fundamental reassessment of priorities for Council to achieve financial sustainability and effectively address the genuine needs of our community.

“Team Central Coast is committed to providing strong economic leadership and a back-to basics approach to ensure Council’s long-term financial sustainability while delivering the top-quality services our community deserves.”

Team Central Coast is also calling for a thorough review of Council’s current community, strategic and operational plans to ensure that commitments and implementation strategies are truly in line with community expectations and aligned with long-term financial planning.

McKinna said a new Council must prioritise the needs of residents in its decision making.

“It’s time the residents of the Central Coast are listened to by a strong, sensible and forward-thinking Council that exercises sound economic management to advance our community,” he said.

“Our newly elected Council needs to reflect the aspirations of Central Coast residents and leverage our region’s huge economic and social potential to ensure a sustainable future for us all.

“It is time for our region to come together, formulate a robust and inspiring vision, and collaborate with all levels of government, business, and the community to ensure that the Central Coast remains an exceptional place in which to live, work and thrive.”

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