Sink or Swim at the Link and Pin

Leo McBride

The monthly Sink or Swim sessions at the Link and Pin at Woy Woy present some of the best comedic talent in Australia and the next showcase on October 3 will be no exception.

This session features Leo McBride, a computer nerd by day, comedy nerd by night and an absolute afternoon delight.

A finalist in NSW 2024 Raw Comedy, one of Australia’s biggest open mic comedy competitions, McBride is described as intoxicating mix of wit, whimsy and storytelling, which he swears are all true.

McBride will have you forgetting your troubles and laughing along at his.

Eddy Rockefeller was born on the mean streets of a private hospital, crawling her way through society to become the abrasive bogan she is today.

Described as raunchy and irreverent, she’s officially unemployed with more than two decades of being a professional attention seeker, she’s performed to audiences all over the world and most recently returning from New York.

Known around the scene for her affable nature, she’s not afraid to tell you her deep dark secrets.

Her recent credits include Best Comedy nominee Newcastle Fringe 2022 and Dubbo Fringe 2021; Best Performance nominee Newcastle Fringe 2022; Best Newcastle Show nominee Newcastle Fringe 2022; Best Show nominee Newcastle Fringe 2022; Best Premiere Show nominee Newcastle Fringe 2021 and Best Homegrown Talent nominee Newcastle Fringe 2021.

Tickets are just $10 available at the door or online.

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