Shout out in parliament for rugby program

Member for Robertson Dr Gordon Reid with Terrigal Rugby Club Secretary Allison Farrelly

Terrigal Rugby Club and its Modified Rugby Program has been acknowledged in the Australian Parliament by Federal Member for Robertson, Dr Gordon Reid.

The program provides younger rugby players living with physical or mental disabilities with training opportunities that are tailored to their capabilities.

The concept started in 2019, during COVID-19, which initially inhibited the development of the program.

After COVID-19, the program exploded with popularity and continues to grow with new participants.

“I recently met with Terrigal Rugby Club and its President, Tim Larke, who informed me of their excellent program which removes barriers to playing sport and rugby union for younger people living with mental or physical disabilities,” Reid told Parliament.

“I knew then that this program deserved recognition and what better way to speak about the program than with my parliamentary colleagues in the Australian Parliament.

“I commend all the senior Terrigal Rugby Club players who help manage the program and who ensure training is tailored to participants.

“A huge thank you as well to Terrigal Rugby Club’s Secretary, Allison Farrelly, who has steered this program since its inception in 2019.

“I am told that the program will be even bigger in the seasons ahead with more sessions for interested players to get involved with.”

Farrelly said despite restrictions imposed by COVID-19 and a very wet rainy season in 2022 the program had continued to grow.

“We continue to grow our program and the number of sessions each year,” she said.

“This year we are hoping to successfully host six sessions.

“We have also seen one of our former participants join a team – training and playing weekly in the under-nine’s competition.

“More recently we have been able to facilitate a young man so that he can attend training with our under-15s side and he even got on the field for some game time.

“I am currently working on arranging for another two of our participants to attend regular training with our under-11s.

“These are all enormous milestones and such successful outcomes for these players and their families.

“None of this would be possible, firstly, without the support of our committee (which has) supported every plan, idea or request I have gone to them with, from free barbecue and drinks to shorts, socks, old jerseys and training shoes, just to name a few.”

Farrelly said the senior playing group always shows up in numbers to get behind the program.

“We wouldn’t be able to give the kids the experience we do or develop their skills (without them),” she said.

“Though I’m not sure who enjoys it more – the ‘little’ kids or the ‘big kids’.

“Our players are instrumental in what we do and never shy away from joining in.

“I have also been fortunate to secure an occupational therapist, who is a former player.

“He attends every session and assists us to modify activities to suit each of the kids and their needs.”

She also praised the families of participants for their support.

“We often take it for granted the opportunities that neuro-typical people have,” she said.

“To be able to give these children and their families that opportunity is priceless.

“The praise and thanks they give us makes us realise just how much they all get out of it and how much they appreciate that we do this for their kids.

“We regularly have grandparents, aunties, uncles and older siblings coming to our sessions to cheer the kids on.

“I am so incredibly proud of what we do and the success we have had. I hope to be able to continue to grow this over the coming years.

“Watching these children grow and develop is so special.”

To get in touch with Terrigal Rugby Club, visit, call 0431 913 751 or email

The club is located at The Haven.

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