Red Rubies back Pink Bin initiative

Members of the Roving Rubies Red Hatters at the 20th birthday bash

The Roving Rubies Red Hatters decided to lend support to Woman Hood’s Pink Bin initiative and managed to fill four pink bins with toiletries for women doing it tough.

“We were holding their 20th birthday party on September 5 at the Kincumber Pub so it was an ideal time for them to all bring something to help others,” Queen Lilimarlene (Marlene Kintworth) said.

“Our theme for the day was Roaring Twenties or Purple and Pearls and the ladies all gave it their best.

“Many were boasting about the bargain dress they got from St Vinnies, and they wore them with feathers and trim.

Queen Lilimarlene with some of the Pink Bin goodies

“Even our 90-year-old Gabrielle taught the younger ones how to Charleston and Betty, our eldest member at 97, showed it could be done with the help of a walker.

“A group of ladies called the Motley Crew travelled up from Sydney to join in the fun, as they usually do; we are known for our good birthday parties.”

Queen Lilimarlene will head to Western Australia in November for a red hat convention, with women from all over Australia, New Zealand and even the USA and Canada set to join in.

The Roving Red Rubies Red Hatters meet two to four times a month for fun and friendship.

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