Rabaul Ave upgrade welcomed

Member for Robertson Dr Gordon Reid admires the new resurfacing work in Rabaul Ave

Federal Member for Robertson Dr Gordon Reid has welcomed a much-needed resurface of Rabaul Ave in Umina Beach by Central Coast Council.

“Rabaul Ave is a major thoroughfare for morning and afternoon commuters and workers,” Reid said.

“It is often used as a secondary route if there are traffic delays affecting Ocean Beach Rd.

“It is also an important route for buses taking school students to and from school.

“When I am in the community, door knocking or hosting mobile offices, the condition of Rabaul Ave is frequently brought up with me.

“I am pleased that our community’s advocacy has been heard by Council and resurfacing works are underway.

“I thank the Council workers involved to improve Rabaul Ave and commend Council on placing this project at the top of its priority list.

“I will continue to represent our community and advocate for improved road infrastructure, including making representations to all levels of government for increased funding for local roads.”

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