Proactive law enforcement required

Letters to the editor are best received by email.

I could not agree more with Glen Hughes (CCN 452) that Council needs to be proactive.

Proactive and reactive are terms used in (or used to be) by government-employed law enforcement personnel.

Suss out a problem, look ahead and be ready to deal with it as it happens, or traipse out after the event when the horse has bolted.

Our Minister for Police might inform us that the set-up now is for “response” from area groups.

Is that not reactive?

A police and council presence on the streets seems now to be something of history.

On the beat cops, rangers and parking inspectors are non-existent, while those who have contempt for the law have free rein and enjoy it with relish.


Is there a non-existence of government funding for the provision of adequate law enforcement personnel accommodation and equipment to maintain community welfare?

Or is there ignorance, and perhaps apathy from those responsible for maintaining it?

Email, Aug 30
David Draper, Umina Beach

1 Comment on "Proactive law enforcement required"

  1. I am standing as an INDEPENDENT candidate for the 2024 Central Coast Council Election, Gosford West Ward.
    I know from first-hand experience that Council’s approach to local law enforcement is quite reactive at best, and non-existent, at worst.
    I have observed, crazy and on-going illegal parking in and around my children’s school, being regularly approached by dogs off lead in public places, have noticed unsightly and long-term illegal camping in parks, etc.
    I have a genuine election commitment to strengthen Council’s law enforcement teams. If elected and with the support of other Councilors, I would like to conduct a review of these teams, including their enforcement capabilities, priorities, resourcing, procedures, visibility, operational performance, etc.
    I suspect that this review will probably identify the need for more law enforcement personnel, but also, the need for regular and methodical foot patrols, by Council Rangers, of all areas of the coast.
    I am quite comfortable with Council devoting more resources to this important local government function.

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