Praise for Woy Woy under-9s soccer

Woy Woy under-9s soccer team

The coach of Woy Woy under-9s soccer team has heaped praise on the youngsters following a sterling season.

Coach Martin Dearnaley, whose son is in the team, said he was “incredibly proud” of the boys’ achievements.

“We have just wrapped up an extraordinary season in which they have showcased not just their skill but also their sportsmanship and camaraderie,” he said.

“The team ended the season with an outstanding record of one loss, one draw and a remarkable 14 straight victories.

“It’s been an incredible journey watching these kids grow, not just as soccer players, but as individuals and every time they step onto the field, they bring energy, enthusiasm and a readiness to give their all, no matter the challenge.

“This season has been a testament to the team’s hard work and resilience.

“Beyond the wins, the players have shown remarkable support for each other, celebrating victories together and learning from setbacks with grace.

“They play the game with heart, respect and sportsmanship and being part of this team has taught them responsibility and the joy of working together toward a common goal,” the coach said.

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