Men’s shed looking for members

Member Keith Gower on the bandsaw

Terrigal Community Men’s Shed has been offering a safe welcoming space where men can meet, pursue their hobbies, chat and generally socialise for more than 18 years.

With about 24 active members, the group is having a recruitment drive and inviting prospective members to check out the space.

The modern, well-equipped shed has woodworking, metalworking and general repair sections, with members working on their own projects and items to be donated to several church schools.

Any men interested in joining are welcome to pop in between 8am and 11.30am any Tuesday or Thursday.

The shed is at 380 Terrigal Dr, near the Uniting Church.

The recruitment drive couldn’t be more timely, with the Australian Men’s Shed Association (AMSA) celebrating Men’s Shed Week from September 1-7.

Beginning with a humble idea in regional Australia, there are now more than 2,500 sheds operating in 12 countries around world.

More than 50,000 Australians directly benefit from participation in the grassroots movement each year.

“We know that when men retire, it’s a big change and they are at risk of social isolation which can lead to anxiety and depression, and that can affect physical health too,” AMSA Executive Officer David Helmers said.

“It often takes someone else to recognise this and suggest they do something about it.

“If you know someone who might like to learn some new skills and meet some new mates, send him down to the shed.”

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