Meet the candidate forums v social media

Peninsula Residents Association Meet the Candidates evening.

Candidates in Gosford West Ward have faced scrutiny from Woy Woy peninsula to Mangrove Mountain from residents and business owners.

They have been given a handful of minutes to tell the audiences about themselves before the bell or the gong or the music interrupts them.

They then face questions from the audience; what’s their stand on Wamberal Seawall, fixing potholes, planting trees; what they will do for a particular area.

But the questioners have been respectful and willing to listen to the answers.

So far, the Gosford West candidates have had the most Meet the Candidates sessions and it’s not over yet with another scheduled at Koolewong on September 12.

Gosford East candidates had one forum at Avoca Beach last week and face another session this Friday, September 6, at Davistown.

Wyong Ward candidates will be quizzed at Ourimbah on Wednesday, September 4 at Bill Sohier Park from 7pm.

Coast News is not aware of any session being held for Budgewoi Ward or The Entrance Ward candidates.

Mark Lamont, whose wife Corinne Lamont is a candidate in the The Entrance Ward, asked candidates at two different sessions their stand on the proposed Wamberal seawall. 

Their answers are being logged on the Wamberal Save Our Sand facebook page.

Once elected, councillors will vote on all issues, not just ones in their ward.

So far, most candidates in the West Ward have stated their opposition to the wall.

The exception has been Chef Daniel and Lawrie McKinna from Team Central Coast who said they didn’t know enough on the issue.

Lamont asked the same question to Gosford East candidates at the Avoca event but only Pat Farmer from Team Central Coast got to answer. He said he needed more information.

Social Media has been making lists of Labor’s stand in the previous council on planned retreat for areas such as Davistown.

Both Labor and former mayor Jane Smith, who is running again this election, have been attacked for failing to buy a dredge for The Entrance area during the last council term.

Team Central Coast has publicly stated it supports the masterplan for Warnervale Airport and social media critics have argued there is more information available on the seawall than on airport masterplan so why take a stand on one and not the other.

And Team Central Coast lead candidate in Gosford East Lawrie McKinna and Budgewoi Ward lead candidate John Mouland have been asked about potential conflict of interest if they get a seat on council.

McKinna is the chair and Mouland is the CEO of Regional Development Australia, Central Coast: see separate story.

Merilyn Vale

2 Comments on "Meet the candidate forums v social media"

  1. Information sharing on these council elections has been pathetic! Prepoll starts the 7th & we have been given no information on who the candidates are, what they hope to achieve, what relevant experience they have to run for public office.
    If this is an indication of their skills, I’m not sure I want any of them representing me.

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