Leaning Tree of Avoca gains support

Leaning tree in Avoca Beach

It’s been a tree of significance for years, visible from both the beach and the road leading to Avoca Beach.

And now, the tree has its own support group.

Two support groups actually.

It started out as the Left Leaning Tree Support Group, but a group of residents who want to support the tree but only ever view it from the road, want the group to be named the Right Leaning Support Group.

“It’s become quite a problem for us,” a spokesperson said.

“We are hoping Coast News readers might come up with a better name for our group.

“We are hoping to approach one of the new councillors when they are elected to get some council expertise to assesss the tree to make sure it is healthy and safe and that it feels supported.

“I mean, look at it. It’s got quite an angle happening.

“In the meantime, any assistance in renaming the group would be most appreciated.”

The spokesperson declined to be named.

1 Comment on "Leaning Tree of Avoca gains support"

  1. Was his name Russel? Or Leaf?

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