Landslip repairs underway on Wisemans Ferry Rd

Roadworks forging ahead after flooding and storms

Repairs and betterment works are now underway at more than 40 landslip sites on Wisemans Ferry Rd in Spencer and Gunderman thanks to $28.3M in disaster recovery funding from the federal and state governments.

Wisemans Ferry Rd experienced widespread damage including embankments with landslides and rockfalls at multiple locations after major flooding and storms in 2022.

The road will be restored to its pre-disaster function and become more resilient to future natural disasters, as part of Essential Public Asset Reconstruction and Regional Roads Transport Recovery Package initiatives.

These initiatives help local councils in NSW rebuild road and transport infrastructure projects in disaster-impacted communities.

Alongside current road pavement rehabilitation, over the coming months Wisemans Ferry Rd will see works across four interconnected segments to rectify several critical landslide and embankment erosion issues.

Completion of the Wisemans Ferry Rd project is anticipated in June 2026, weather depending.

Federal Member for Robertson Dr Gordon Reid welcomed the collaboration between the federal and state governments to start these much-needed rehabilitation works.

“I know through conversations with my community that safety along Wisemans Ferry Rd is a top priority, being one of the primary roads in and out of the area,” he said.

“As an emergency doctor, it is vitally important that frontline services can access these communities easily and safely.”

Member for Gosford Leisl Tesch said the local community “was very happy to see work progressing to not only restore the road, but ensure it’s improved for the long-term benefit of all locals and visitors”.

“The Central Coast deserves to have infrastructure that can recover more quickly from these types of disasters, allowing life to get back to normal more quickly,” she said.

“Simply repairing the damage without addressing the underlying problems would eventually be more costly for all concerned.”

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