Labor advocates sporting fee freeze

Kyle MacGregor

The Labor team standing for election in the Wyong ward will advocate for a freeze on fees and charges for sporting and community groups.

Team leader Kyle MacGregor said freezing fees and charges would build a better Central Coast for all.

“If Council freezes fees and charges for sporting and community groups everyone wins across the Coast, no matter who you are, or where you live,” he said.

“Few Council policies impact on so many people in our region, and seldom does Council have the ability to do something so easy and simple to help our residents.

“Regardless of age group, skill level, code or location, we all win if Council freezes the fees and charges for sporting groups.”

Team-mate Evan Schrei said a freeze was common sense.

“During this cost of living crisis, children shouldn’t have to miss out on sport and exercise because of money,” he said.

“It’s time for Council to stop holding us back by trying to make money out of us the wrong way and focusing on the wrong things.

“Having grown up on the Central Coast playing multiple sports, I understand the importance of team sport and how it builds friendships.

“As a father of two young children, I am already seeing how much organised sports can cost.”

Third team member Melanie Gould said it was important to keep people on the park and engaged in the community.

“Freezing fees and charges for sporting and community groups will be a great initiative for our physical and mental health, right across our region,” she said.

“Community groups build a better society.

“We should encourage people to work together to make our Central Coast a better place.”

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