Here’s the list – meet your council candidates

Some of the Central Coast Council candidates..

Here is a full list of all candidates for Central Coast Council in the September 14 election, presented in each of the five wards.

Coast Community News CCN made every effort to obtain headshots and policy statements from all candidates – we have included all those received in our listing.

The order of the list has been compiled directly from the NSW Electoral Commission candidates draw and is organised in the five ward groups. Scroll down to your ward to read the candidates’ descriptions.


Group A – The Greens

1. Sue Wynn

“I believe the Central Coast needs a return to democracy and transparency in Council, so we can all live in an area that is sustainable, responsive to climate change, where people can afford housing and where local communities are resourced and supported to identify and work on projects that they know their neighbourhoods need.

“If councillor numbers are reduced, we risk a conservative council that works for property developers.”

Chantelle Baistow

Cath Connor

Group B

Describing themselves as Independent Liberals, this group’s policies are to get a better deal for the “forgotten north” and prioritise missing community infrastructure including the Munmorah Skate Park and the Colongra sports fields.

“We will increase road funding and fix the roads; we support lower rates and a back to basics approach; we want kids’ sport to be free of Council charges.”

Doug Eaton

Allan McDonald

Greg Best

Group C – Labor

Helen Crowley

Crowley says the key elements to form good, sound policies within Council is to start by building trust, ensuring that infrastructure always keeps up with development, protecting our environment, protecting amenity at all times, promoting good and strong governance and seriously looking at what we can do to help with the cost of living, as a starting point.

Joy Cooper

Cooper wants to see a strong focus on ensuring the sale of public assets to ‘balance the books’ does not continue.

“I will make sure residents and ratepayers are properly consulted about decisions that impact their lives; the efficient delivery of basic services, not pie in the sky vanity projects, must be the focus.”

Sarah Burns

Burns has lived on the Central Coast for most of her life and her lived experience with a child with disability has led her along a path of advocacy and community service.

She believes that we have an opportunity to have a Council that will strive to strengthen community ties across the Central Coast.

Group D

This group is running under the name Team Central Coast.

Policies are: to provide strong economic leadership including governance; implementing practical and sustainable housing solutions delivering top-quality services to meet the needs of the community; building strong, supportive and inclusive communities; and developing and maintaining essential infrastructure to support growth.

John Mouland

Paul Wade

Mitchell Cowan

Group E – Central Coast Heart

Edna Wacher

Wacher says she will use her business skills to avoid waste and keep rates low, prioritising family matters – children’s safety, and provision of elderly services.

She will promote multicultural harmony and inclusivity and protect the region’s lakes, beaches and open spaces, as well as prioritising the creation of local area jobs, despite the high population growth planned for the Coast.

Diana Lazatin

Anabelle Alcanar


Sandra Harris, Independent

Harris is hoping to influence transparency between Council and the community and bring back proper community consultation.

“There is a need for a diverse range of candidates with integrity and strong community relationships that can help our diverse community make fully informed decisions.”

Kenneth Kozak, Independent


Group A

This group is running under the name Team Central Coast.

Lawrie McKinna

McKinna says a newly elected Council needs to reflect the aspirations of its residents and leverage the region’s huge economic and social potential to prompt its long-term growth and development.

His priorities will include housing, streamline approval processes, affordable, efficient and effective health services and boosting infrastructure.

Pat Farmer

Farmer says he will work on: freezing Council rates; making the small residential development process more efficient and faster but still maintaining quality; creating a specialised system for quick and efficient repair of potholes on local roads; and working with other councillors to achieve outcomes rather than blockades for the people of the Central Coast.

George Paterson

Paterson says it’s time to get Council back to the basic principles of roads, rates and rubbish and focusing on local community issues, not lofty political strategies or declaring a global climate disaster on the Central Coast.

“The Coast needs a fresh start; we cannot go back to the dysfunction that we had with big party politics ignoring community concerns,” he said.

Group B – Labor

Sharon Walsh

Walsh is a passionate advocate and campaigner against violence against women and children.

She wants to restore the community’s trust in Council with proper community consultation and a focus on better roads, more sporting fields and more affordable early childhood education.

Trevor Drake

Drake says he will work together with all other elected councillors to rebuild community trust by committing to genuine community consultation and transparency on finances.

He will ensure rates and charges represent value for money, prioritise road repair and construction and expand and protect the Coastal Open Space System (COSS).

Victoria Collins

Collins has a focus on COSS.

“Attempts to downgrade private land surrounding COSS for clearing and development is not good enough.

“Swathes of ‘deferred matters land’ is in the Gosford East ward and we will make sure it is preserved as bushland.”

Group C – Liberal

Jared Wright

Wright says repairing the debt must be the number one priority of the next Council.

“We must also look at how we can unlock our region’s housing market and generate additional revenue, so that we can stimulate our local economy to fund the infrastructure, services and facilities we desperately need.”

Dee Bocking


Clive Lawton, Independent

Sharon Andrews, Independent

Andrews says she is an honest, motivated, out of the box thinker who wants to be the voice of her community.

“As an Independent I have no political parties/group agenda going into Council – just the issues my community has.”

Rosemary de Lambert, Independent

“The council has a chance for a fresh start and an opportunity for what I describe as sensible development.

“We need firstly to listen to the community and work out priorities, make sure they are attended to, and everything is done correctly and to budget.”

David Kings, Independent


Group A

This group is running as Team Central Coast.

Daniel Abou-Chedid

“I believe in the future of Gosford and want to play a key role in shaping it.

“My goal is to … ensure that Gosford becomes a thriving regional capital.”

Chef Daniel is committed to addressing key issues such as infrastructure, sustainability and public spaces.

Paul Chapman

Neil Ferguson

Group B

This group believes local government is important in the daily lives of local communities – not just roads, rates and rubbish, but also parks, playgrounds, facilities, sporting fields and libraries – and bigger issues such as planning and environmental protection.

“We want to see communities have more of a say about their local areas – particularly in terms of planning and priorities for Council services and works (roads, footpaths).

“We would look at how we can engage more through ward forums and community associations.”

Jane Smith

Alison Wade

Lisa Wriley

Group C

This group is running as Ratepayers’ Choice.

Kevin Brooks

Brooks believes that residents are paying too much in rates for too little in services.

He wants better value for money.

“We need to improve management, efficiency, productivity and culture within the Council, and ensure resources are better aligned with community priorities,” he said.

Stephen Sizer

“I’m pleased to join Kevin Brooks to offer ratepayers a real choice in this election.

“I have also been frustrated with the lack of transparency and that the community has been denied a voice.

“I am prepared to ask difficult questions on behalf of the community.”

Lee Erlin

Erlin said someone was needed on Council to represent the views of the huge hinterland in West Gosford ward.

“I agree with Kevin’s vision for better value for money Council services and the need for Council to listen more to local people,” she said.

“With the long awaited return of local democracy I realised I could sit back and keep complaining – or be the change I want to see.

Group D – Liberal

Trent McWaide

McWaide operates three commercial and retail automotive businesses across the region, employing more than 20 local residents.

He is also a former NSW police officer within the State Crime Command, with a focus on intelligence and investigations.

“I am committed to making a positive impact on our community, by ensuring that Council operates with efficiency and integrity and it all starts with leadership.”

Alan Pappas

Kylie Lowbridge

Group E – Labor

Belinda Neal

Neal has been active on the Central Coast for more than 40 years and presently focuses on her roles as Chair of a local not-for-profit organisation in the disability sector, and Amnesty International Australia.

She believes that families need help with the cost of living and that Council should be financially sustainable and responsive to the needs of Central Coast residents.

Adam McArdle

McArdle values hard work and hands-on service.

He is committed to understanding and meeting residents’ needs, advocating for smart urban development, and supporting small businesses.

His approach is grounded in transparency and active community engagement, ensuring that Gosford and the Peninsula thrive as vibrant and sustainable communities.

Mark Ellis

Ellis has a passion for protecting the environment, has a Bachelor of Science and is a qualified Urban and Environmental Planner.

He understands the need to balance development with protection of the environment and wants to enhance the residential amenity of towns and villages and the important role active and passive open spaces, bushland and sporting fields play in community.

Group F

This group is running as Coasties Who Care.

Lisa Bellamy

Lisa Bellamy

Bellamy says she is realistic about the need for development and adequate infrastructure but believes planning policies should balance economic growth with protecting the diverse natural environment.

“If we get the balance right, the Central Coast could lead the country in showcasing what is possible in thoughtful, creative and world-class development that allows sustainable growth and more local employment.”

Sarah Blakeway

Blakeway wants Council to be representative of all Coasties.

“We believe there needs to be more diversity on Council to gain a broader understanding of the needs of our younger locals, our elders, and those who are new to our area.

“We are asking people to consider voting away from the major parties and to support locals who are already involved in fighting for a fair go for our community.”

Tegan Mulqueeney

“While ensuring that we cover Council’s main functions such as looking after our roads, reserves, and other community assets, we will also be asking some of the hard questions and doing absolutely everything in our power to create positive change.”

Priorities will include tackling family violence, mental health issues, accommodation and supporting well-established frontline services.


Julian Richards, Independent

“I am prepared to listen to residents’ needs and aspirations on an ongoing basis, and not ignore them, if elected.

“I will ensure Council’s finances remain under control, and will focus on improving service delivery, such as better roads, footpaths, parks and sporting facilities.”

Andrew Baker, Independent


Group A – Labor

Margot Castles

Castles is passionate about good governance, listening to community voices and rebuilding trust between Council and the community.

She was a community development worker at the former Wyong Council and knows how Council works; she also understands the pressures on small business as she ran an indoor sports centre for many years.

Matthew Jeffrey

Jeffrey wants to be a voice for young people on Council.

He is studying at the University of Newcastle to be a geography teacher.

He is a talented musician and enjoys giving back to his community in any way he can.

Joan Pavitt

Pavitt spent many years working in a major public hospital and now works for a major provider of services to people doing it tough – including women experiencing family violence and homelessness.

She is passionate about her local area and giving back to her community as a passionate award-winning community gardener.

Group B – Animal Justice Party

Sarah Ryan

“I will be the voice that keeps animal welfare at the forefront, especially when it comes to crucial issues like voting on the Dogs in Open Space Action Plan, building the new pound facility approved for Mardi and initiating Council-funded desexing programs.”

“I will push for more efficient road maintenance as well as improvements to pedestrian and cycling infrastructure making our roads safer for everyone.”

Patrick Murphy

Fardin Pelarek

Group C – Liberal

Rachel Stanton

A Berkeley Vale local and Major Projects and Construction lawyer, she has extensive experience delivering significant transport, commercial and residential infrastructure projects in the public and private sectors.

“We need to deliver the essential infrastructure that our local residents deserve and expect, starting with fixing our roads.

“With sound decision making, we can reduce the debt and provide for our community.”

Stephen Hood

Tracey Perrem

Group D

Corinne Lamont

Lamont is a former bank manager and community volunteer dedicated to making a difference on the Coast.

She has no real estate or developer ties and no Council baggage.

She says she is not anti-development but she wants the Coast and its people looked after, including reducing Tuggerah Lake flooding and stopping the proposed Wamberal Beach Seawall.

Sam Carter

Dale Long

Group E

This group is running as Team Central Coast.

Sharryn Brownlee

Brownlee wants to restore trust in Central Coast Council by ensuring strong financial management and transparency and implement practical and sustainable housing solutions.

Other priorities are delivering top-quality services, ensuring transparency through community consultation and  developing and maintaining essential infrastructure.

Skaie Hull

Skaie Hull, mother of two and former regional TV news presenter is running in what she describes as an independent under the Team Central Coast banner.

Kalvin Smith


Rebecca Smiley


Group A – Liberal

John McNamara

A former deputy mayor of Wyong Council, he has also served as global telecommunications director at AT&T, with a focus on business growth and expansion.

“Council must stop doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different outcome.

“We will examine the Operational Plan line by line and make changes where necessary, while also maximising funding and grant opportunities from the state and federal governments.”

Wade Russell

Jennifer Ferguson

Group B

This group is running as Team Central Coast.

Kyla Daniels

Local baker Kyla Daniels heads the Team Central Coast group in the Wyong ward. She runs a popular business in the region providing cakes to locals and charities for fundraising and wellbeing purposes.

Natasha Stone

Alexander Burgin

Group C – Labor

Kyle Macgregor

Macgregor understands the cost-of-living pressures and has a strong plan including stopping extreme water and residential rate rises, freezing fees and charges for sporting and community groups and diversifying council income streams.

He wants to maintain and expand Council childcare services and support apprentices in local business.

“This is part of our plan to make the council work for you, and not against you.”

Evan Schrei

Schrei wants to provide cost of living relief to residents, bring back collaborative decision-making with the community, improve the infrastructure maintenance backlog and create a more environmentally friendly council.

“The residents of the Coast are suffering and we owe it to the community to help however we can.”

Melanie Gould

Gould, a proudly identified Githabul woman, has 30 years of experience as a dedicated health professional.

She is committed to fostering employment opportunities for Aboriginal rangers on the Coast and enhancing environmental management through cultural-based practices.

She also wants to reduce financial strain on families, advocate for affordable childcare and work to minimise rate increases.


Michael Whittington, Independent

“I am committed to sustainable growth, improved infrastructure, environmental protection, and responsible management of Council rates through communication, teamwork, leadership, and integrity.

“For more information, please search Facebook for ‘Michael Whittington Independent Candidate Wyong Ward Central Coast Council’.”

Daniel Craig, Independent

Jara Millward, Independent

Millward says his focus is on fixing and improving local road infrastructure, enhancing community facilities, and streamlining Council processes to reduce costs.

“I am committed to driving business growth that will generate more jobs and improve the quality of life for the entire Central Coast community.

“My platform – One Coast, One Community, One Future – reflects my belief in a united approach to creating a stronger and more vibrant region.”

3 Comments on "Here’s the list – meet your council candidates"

  1. There are some missing.

    • Simply because they did not reply to our requests, rest assured we made every attempt to contact candidates. We suspect some are too busy campaigning and/or don’t value the opportunity in being profiled. This is regretable.

  2. I wasn’t expecting to see liberal candidates. I thought they had failed to register their candidates.

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