Ettalong proposal needs more consultation

forumLetters to the editor must now be sent via email

I strongly object to the proposed licence of community land at Maitland Bay Dr and Hood St, Ettalong Beach, and request further community consultation before a decision is made.

I’m very disappointed Central Coast Council has made the decision to go down the path of minimum consultation by only issuing a Public Notice to adjoining property owners on this matter.

I was not informed despite being in very close proximity and a user of the reserve.

Additionally, the Public Notice was sent to strata management which has eaten in to the time for community to be informed and respond.

The community, including users of the reserve, (should) have an opportunity to review and comment on the proposal to provide a balanced and collaborative approach.

Has Central Coast Council or Transport for NSW undertaken a Review of Environmental Factors?

I’m extremely concerned the proposed compound will have a detrimental impact on native birds and small mammals that inhabit the trees within the proposed licence area.

In the evening, we have a resident powerful owl who visits the trees within the proposed area – noting powerful owls have a vulnerable conservation status in NSW.

Brush and ringtail possums call these trees home and so too do lorikeets, kookaburras and cockatoos.

The operating hours of the proposed compound will have a detrimental impact on these local species – particularly the noise and light.

This is recreational community land and used daily by many including birdwatchers, people walking their dogs and people taking picnics (as it is one of the few reserves in the area with tree coverage).

Community have not been given the opportunity to provide feedback on this proposal.

This proposal does not take into consideration night-time noise and light impact on residents.

It (has) insufficient details, particularly (on) the impact to residents, and does not provide details around alternative compound sites.

Hood St is not equipped to take on large machinery transfers and is currently in a poor state.

Email, Sep 10
Jessica McLeod, Ettalong Beach

6 Comments on "Ettalong proposal needs more consultation"

  1. Why is it that we are governed by minority groups. Recently 2 restaurants have been closed due to a small number of complaints. I should think that the kudos of these restaurants could only have been good for the area and businesses around them. Fix the problem and don’t just close establishments

  2. where is a Map ?
    I live in Sydney.

  3. I am very opposed to the takeover of the recreational area in Ettalong by C. C. Council. This is a COMMUNITY USE area and not the councils playground.

  4. Seems another example of the administrators approach that community assets/public use land is up for reallocation no matter the consequences or if it is even valid 🙁

  5. more backhanders for the developers. stinks. need new councillor

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