Ecovillage on track with lowering emissions

Narara Ecovillage

Narara Ecovillage is producing 40 per cent less carbon emissions than the average Central Coast household, with a target of achieving a 75 per cent reduction for 2030.

“We still have a long way to go but this is a great start,” said Janet Ellis, who is a member of the co-ordination group leading the monitoring and analysis of carbon emissions.

Building standards ensure that all the homes in the village are highly energy efficient.

This, together with a renewable energy microgrid and community battery, explains a large part of the reduction.

But residents are also very conscious of their emissions and find ways every day to keep them as low as possible.

Food is grown in the village, reducing food miles and sharing and re-using items keeps solid waste to a minimum.

Organic waste is recycled to compost aerobically, reducing methane.

There are no bus services directly to the village but residents walk, cycle, share vehicles and use electric vehicles powered by their own solar panels as much as possible.

“It’s lovely to live in a village where people know the challenges but are so knowledgeable and full of ideas,” resident Keren Black said.

“We are a demonstration ecovillage and sharing what we have learnt with the public is a priority for us.”

The village holds regular open days.

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