Dracula cast and crew head off stage to give blood

Tracy Pattison prepares to give blood

As Wyong Drama Group prepares to stage a spine-chilling production of Dracula, the cast and crew stepped off the stage to make a real difference in the community by visiting Lifeblood at West Gosford to donate their blood and plasma, highlighting the group’s deep commitment to community values.

In true Dracula spirit, the team embraced the power of giving blood.

“We thought we could do a great community thing, and all give some of our blood to the Red Cross for people who desperately need it,” cast member Sarah Brown said.

The cast and crew agreed that their collective effort to support Lifeblood, which can potentially save many lives, aligns with the core values of community theatre – connection, support, and giving back.

“We invite everyone to come see Dracula,” production manager Tracy Pattinson said.

“But also, to be inspired by the heart of this cast and crew who are making a difference behind the scenes.

“Community theatre is all about community, and we’re so proud to give back in such a meaningful way.”

The team encourages everyone who can to consider contributing, reminding people that one blood donation can save up to three lives.

“Dracula, blood? Blood, donation. Save lives!” said Duncan Mitchell, who is playing Renfield.

“Whether you’re a fan of the show or simply looking to make a positive impact, remember that donating blood is a simple act that can change lives, and it’s something anyone can do.”

Join the Dracula cast in making a difference by visiting Lifeblood and booking an appointment to donate blood.

Wyong Drama Group is a community-focused theatre company dedicated to bringing high-quality, engaging productions to the Central Coast.

Their latest production, Dracula directed by Jane Sackman starts on November 1, combines gripping performances with haunting designs by Daryl Kirkness and original music composed by Australian icon Andrew Worboys for this specific production, ensuring an unforgettable theatrical experience.

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