Chooks to boycott Mangrove Mountain Fair

Crowds converge on Mangrove Mountain for the country fair

If the ghost of the late, great rhythm and blues artist and songwriter Mack Rice visits the Mangrove Mountain and Districts Country Fair this year he’ll no doubt be humming his famous hit “Ride Sally, ride…” as he watches everyone enjoying the fun.

Everyone but the chooks.

The annual country fair is fast approaching.

Saturday, October, 19 will see faces new and old rushing to the corner of Wisemans Ferry Rd and Waratah Rd, in Mangrove Mountain.

Well, people will be rushing but in a demure way and being mindful of all the pedestrian traffic as people walk from their parked cars, said spokesperson Bucketty (Simon Perry).

This year’s country fair will provide a great range of rides and activities for kids of all ages including a swinging pirate ship, and supervised rock wall climbing.

The climbing activity requires no prior experience, and is a fantastic opportunity for children to stretch themselves (figuratively and literally) as they scale new heights.

Of course a country fair wouldn’t be a country fair without animals.

Expect sheep shearing, bottle-fed goats, ducklings, Clydesdale horses, cows, young calves, and heifers, not to mention horse and donkey performances, and dog agility displays.

“Sadly, despite the fact that our Elite Squad of Chooklympians have been training hard they will likely brood out the fair this year due to Avian Flu,” Bucketty said.

“We hope to see them again next year.”

The country fair will host antique machinery.

“No, that doesn’t mean someone’s old Nokia phone but old tractors with implements, and a range of stationery motor-driven doodads,” Bucketty said.

“Doodad” is a technical word for some sort of machinery that sits there chugging smoothly away turning assorted belts and wheels for purposes entirely beyond me.”

So dust off your best hat, give your elastic-sided boots a quick brush, and save the date, October 19, and get yourself down to the 2024 Mangrove Mountain and Districts Country Fair between 9am and 3pm.

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