Youth crime a problem in Bateau Bay

Readers' forum letters

Security and safety for the elderly in West Bateau Bay is becoming an increasing concern for the residents of numerous over-55s housing commission complexes in the area.

As groups of out of control youths are increasingly harassing the elderly both on the streets and now even in their own homes, many 70s-plus pensioners are living in fear.

The police are hamstrung by the lack of resources and political support so the anti-social behaviour goes mostly unchecked.

What will it take – the death of an elderly person before something is done about youth crime in Bateau Bay?

Email, Jul 31
Barry Lloyd, Bateau Bay

7 Comments on "Youth crime a problem in Bateau Bay"

  1. Unacceptable for sure.

  2. Thank you Barry for making this a talking point. Parents need to be made accountable & if they fail they should feel the full wrath of the law .

  3. When a country doesn’t have a Pure worship of God Almighty based on bible facts to teach children that their power and future depend upon a relationship with him it becomes dysfunctional… America has in God we trust on their money we have birds on ours…. we have churches that some talk in muttering and babbling and practice unscriptural rituals…there is a negative attitude not a thankful attitude.

  4. Yes Sadly Bateau Bay has been a Terrible place for years now, the good O’l days are now Gone.

  5. Jarrod PETERSON | August 5, 2024 at 4:24 am |

    What a disgrace it has become.Elderly should have total right to live a fearless existence but unfortunately it comes down to politicians and the legal fraternity in this country.It’s time to show true ‘leadership’ and seriously overhaul crime and justice.Sadly it just not happening in any capacity,there is no deterrent whatsoever.

  6. It’s an area full of public housing and drug addicts

  7. Barry Lloyd | August 10, 2024 at 8:48 am |

    law and order is difficult enough at the best of times and requires strong community respect both ways. that is near impossible taking into account the actions of the current police commissioner Webb and her miss -spendings. fundamentally we are experiencing a breakdown of our values and respect in our personal lives as well as a community.

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