Would-be councillors have priorities wrong

Readers' forum letters

After years of Central Coast Council under administration I was excited that we will finally have elections to restore democracy.

How disappointing to read in CCN 449 that a group calling themselves Team Central Coast is promoting itself as a council political lobby group.

The team’s priorities, outlined in the article, are: hold state and federal government to account for better housing supply; governments should provide affordable and accessible housing; a push for efficient health services; boosting staff and infrastructure in health; and improving the region’s transport infrastructure.

I can agree that these issues and services can improve but councillors are in no position to deal with these.

We address these issues through the government elections at the ballot box.

As a 77-year-old retiree I want the roads upgraded and the pothole outside my driveway fixed.

 What about improving Council productivity so that our rates are not continually increased?

I would like a footpath so I don’t have to walk on the road when going for the morning paper.

What about kerb and guttering so that stagnant water doesn’t pool outside my house for days after rain?

I am worried about the environment and pollution.

Maybe the team should re-evaluate what we expect from our councillors.

Email, Aug 4
Nick Lewocki, Summerland Point

2 Comments on "Would-be councillors have priorities wrong"

  1. Brad Graham | August 10, 2024 at 9:27 pm |

    Oh dear – you clearly have little to no idea of what Council is about.

    Please realise how important it is to work with state and federal governments to get grants to better a region.

    Our roads are a mess and will take way more than a few pothole repairs to fix, and in your wisdom, surely you’d realise these roads need to be stripped back and rebuilt.

  2. Helen Crowley | August 19, 2024 at 8:15 pm |

    As a prospective new councillor after the 14/9/24, I would be advocating for the things that Nick Lewocki talks about in his letter. Everywhere I go people are talking about the potholes and the near misses they are having when using the roads. Curbing and guttering is on my agenda too along with drainage issues as well. Certainly that is not all but a least repairing the roads in the first instance is of paramount importance and providing footpaths is a very basic duty of the council. Of course we will work with state and federal governments but they have a finite budget too and we need to keep a lid on the massive increases to the rates that have been put upon the residents who are already burdened with huge mortgages etc. There is an incredible amount of work to be done when the councillors return to the council.

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