Why take so long?

Readers' forum letters

In issue 452 Coast News features the departure from Central Coast Council of Dr Alice Howe, Director of Environment and Planning.

At the conclusion of the article, it says that the Director of Water And Sewer Services will take on the role of acting Director of Environment and Planning, until the Environment and Planning Director position is advertised in “early 2025”.

I have to ask – why is the Council waiting at least five months and possibly longer to advertise this position?

Given the time it takes to get responses, conduct interviews, make decisions and the successful candidate to give notice to their employer and relocate if necessary to the Central Coast, it could be nine months from now before the new Environment and Planning Director takes up their position.

All the while the Council is running with temporary/acting directors in two critical infrastructure departments and ultimately somewhere along the way, shorthanded in one role down the line.

Surely finding a new director for this vital role in the ongoing functioning of Council’s day to day management should receive the highest priority.

The hiring of directors is the responsibility of the CEO so the excuse of waiting for the new councillors to take their place cannot be a factor.

Or am I missing something here?

CEO Farmer should explain to the ratepayers the reason for the delay.

Email, August 22

Neil Bevage, Kanwal

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