Welcome boost for cricket club

Club members Jack Wilson, Anthony Clarke and Rebecca Tomlinson with Member for Robertson Gordon Reid

Southern Spirit Cricket Club has received $5,000 from the Federal Government’s 2023/24 Volunteer Grants.

Club spokesperson Sean Dickson said grants like these allow sporting clubs and in particular its volunteers to deliver essential services to its member and the community.

“The Southern Spirit Cricket Club will use this grant to purchase much needed equipment like laptops for live scoring, pie ovens for afternoon teas and other equipment essential to ensuring our volunteers can facilitate the services they provide,” he said.

Member for Robertson Gordon Reid said he wanted to see local sporting organisations thrive.

“The support will enable the purchase of a number of items which will improve the viability of the club,” he said.

To get involved with Southern Spirit Cricket Club, visit: https://southernspiritcricket.com/ or contact 0431 370 320.

The Australian Government’s Volunteer Grants support the work of local community organisations by enabling the inclusion of vulnerable people and promoting awareness to increase participation in volunteering.

Grants of between $1,000 and $5,000 were available to assist eligible not-for-profit community organisations support the efforts of their volunteers.