Weekly dinner service for the needy

From left: Food Pantry co-ordinator David Bews, OWN Deepwater secretary Jennifer Brown and Hope and Meals team leader Jeffery Law

The Older Women’s Network Deepwater (OWN) has thrown its support behind a new weekly dinner service at Woy Woy for those experiencing hard times.

The dinner is run by the Woy Woy Community Food Pantry, located at the rear of the Seventh Day Adventist Church in Blackwall Rd.

The Hope and Meals dinner at 6pm is run every Friday night led by team leader and occasional chef Jeffery Law with assistance from Food Pantry co-ordinator David Bews and members of the congregation and volunteers.

Members of the public who are experiencing hard times or are homeless are welcomed to the dining room to enjoy homemade soup, main meal and dessert and engage in conversation with each other and the team in a safe, clean, and non-judgmental space.

Attendees also have the opportunity to take home some extra bread or pastry as well as leftovers should they be available.

Food for the meal is provided by the Food Pantry with the occasional donation by volunteers and no-one is turned away.

OWN Deepwater secretary Jennifer Brown popped in for dinner recently and enjoyed a healthy bowl of vegetable soup, some tasty mushroom pasta and cake with ice cream for dessert.

“It was a wonderful opportunity to engage with local people who come for the company as well as the meal,” she said.

The menu varies weekly with a baked dinner being a popular mainstay.

The Seventh Day Adventist Church is leading the way in addressing food insecurity for destitute, lonely and homeless people in the area.