Terrigal servo wants to open 24/7

The service station operates under "existing use'' rights

A decision on whether a Terrigal service station can operate 24 hours a day will go to the Local Planning Panel after more than 25 submissions were received from residents during two public exhibition periods.

Coles Express at 250-254 Terrigal Dr, Terrigal, currently is allowed to open from 5am to midnight. 

The idea of operating 24/7 is “preposterous”, says one submission.

Residents are concerned about prolonged and increased vehicle traffic and headlights shining into bedrooms during prime sleeping time.

“This is a residential area and there are units and houses on all three sides of this service station,” another submission said.

The proposal was on public exhibition in November 2023 and again in April this year.

 The premises originally received lawful approval as a service station on March 14, 2001 and is relying on existing use rights under the relevant State Act as the area is zoned residential.

“The proposal is seen to be consistent with the existing use of the site as a service station and is seen to be a positive addition to the building and area as a whole,” the application from Platinum Planning Solutions said.

Central Coast Council said a large number of submissions had been received and the application remains under assessment.

1 Comment on "Terrigal servo wants to open 24/7"

  1. Where’s the next 24 hours service station from this one? Seems people can drive that little bit further to buy petrol.

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