Pelican Time achieving great results

Readers' forum letters

I am replying to the letter Time to stop feeding the pelicans from Deborah Hazlett in CCN 452.

There are some important points to make.

There is no pelican feeding program at The Entrance, and the highest number of injuries were during the COVID period, when there were no pelican programs running.

Marine Wildlife Rescue Central Coast, in conjunction with Central Coast Council, conducts Pelican Time every weekend, and every day during school holidays.

This experience is an educational experience for everyone to be involved with, learning about our beautiful birds and how to help protect them.

It also gives volunteers the opportunity to help injured and entangled pelicans, with rescues often being performed in front of the crowds.

This also gives a good representation of how people have impacted our feathery friends, and the urgency with which Wildlife Rescue reacts to help them.

A small amount of fish pieces is used to entice the pelicans, so individuals needing help can be identified and their condition can be assessed.

Since the start of Pelican Time numerous birds have been released from entanglements and their injuries assessed by trained volunteers.

It’s probably best for people to come along and see the fantastic outcomes that are being achieved here, rather than react to misguided and uninformed opinions from a small minority, who obviously do not understand about helping wildlife.

Email, Aug 19
Ronny Ling, Marine Wildlife Rescue Central Coast

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