No abuse at greyhound facility

Readers' forum letters

I want to address a comment in the article Greyhound industry inquiry “grossly inadequate” (CCN 447) by NSW Director of the Coalition for the Protection of Greyhounds Kylie Field.

She says: “The Greyhound Racing NSW rehoming program is a disaster, and the Wyee GAP facility was plagued by claims of abuse and neglect”.

I worked as a volunteer at this facility for 12 months until the day of closure and I can tell you, nothing could be further from the truth.

The management and staff at the Wyee facility were totally dedicated to the love and care of these greyhounds.

They all loved the greyhounds and went above and beyond their call of duties to look after them.

It wasn’t just a job to them – they all loved these dogs with a passion and always looked after their total wellbeing.

They tended any ailments that the dogs (could not manage) themselves promptly and responsibly.

They often brought in extra treats for the dogs – soft toys or cooked chicken.

The dogs were given so much love and handling throughout the day, and played with.

(The staff) rejoiced in the dogs’ progress from being racing dogs to pets, helped the greyhounds navigate this transition and rejoiced for them if they were adopted.

The greyhounds were so very happy – it was one happy family.

On the day of the closure I was there to work and witnessed the shock and devastation (at the) action of the management from head office closing down the site and the terrible way this team of dedicated (local) management and staff were treated.

There was no warning at all.

They were escorted off the premises and the locks were changed – disgraceful!

The main concern of the people was what would happen to the beautiful greyhounds housed at the site and their wellbeing.

I just hope that all the greyhounds find their forever homes as they really are the most amazing dogs – so loving and gentle.

Email, Aug 5
Susan Northridge, Hamlyn Terrace