New playground on Spencer waterfront

The upgraded playspace at Spencer

The upgraded playspace at Spencer waterfront is now open, much to the delight of the local community which has campaigned for the playground since the new public amenities were finished in January 2023.

Local resident, co-founder and community liaison officer of River Cares community group, Robyn Downham, said the locals were very appreciative of the much-needed upgrade of the children’s playground along the waterfront.

“On behalf of the Spencer community, River Cares would like to thank the Member for Robertson Gordon Reid and Central Coast Council for making the new playspace possible (with) multiple activities for a range of ages and abilities to help children play and socialise,” she said.

The work was completed thanks to a $50,000 grant from the Australian Government’s Investing in our Communities program and $45,000 from Central Coast Council.

The old playground was in dire need of an upgrade

Council Director Community and Recreation Services Melanie Smith said the upgraded playspace included a swing set, climbing and slide unit, rocker, rubber softfall and picnic table.

“This new playground will help to improve community connectivity, social interaction and boost tourism by encouraging more families to come and visit Spencer,” she said.

Member for Robertson Gordon Reid said the Australian Government was committed to improving community facilities which strengthened regions.

“This playground will be loved by Spencer locals and visitors to the area for years to come,” he said.

Spencer playground is one of 270 playspaces on the Central Coast and Administrator Rik Hart said Council had developed a long-term program of works that would see all of them repaired, upgraded or replaced over a 20-year renewal cycle.