New look for bridge club

An artist's impression of how the new club will look

Central Coast Bridge Club is upgrading its clubhouse to provide  improved facilities and services for its members and the wider community.

The building upgrade designed by architects Fabric Architecture Studio at Toowoon Bay was approved by Central Coast Council in June 2023 and will introduce a host of new facilities including an expanded playing area, a training room, upgraded kitchen, office space and storage areas.

An additional 130sqm of usable space will create a more comfortable and spacious environment for bridge playing and other activities.

The upgrade will also see new carpeting, internal furnishings, accessible ramps and stairs, ensuring the club is welcoming and inclusive to all.

A modern façade will improve the club’s street presence and enhance its visibility to thousands of motorists and pedestrians daily on The Entrance Rd, Long Jetty.

The Central Coast Bridge Club will collaborate with Buterin L’Estrange Projects for the construction phase of the project.

Buterin L’Estrange brings to the table a wealth of experience and a proven track record of delivering high-quality projects on the Central Coast.

Club spokesperson David Purkiss said this project represented a significant investment in the future of the club and would provide members with modern state-of-the-art facilities to enhance their bridge playing experience.

He said that in addition to improving member amenities, the building upgrade was expected to have a positive impact on the club’s financial health.

“The increased value of the building post-completion and the potential for higher membership numbers and table fee income will assist with securing the future of the club and its members,” Purkiss said.

Buterin L’Estrange began work during the first week of June with completion expected in about five months after allowing for the impact of weather and any building issues.

During the construction period of about 20 weeks, Central Coast Bridge Club will relocate its activities to Long Jetty Hotel, just 50m from the current clubhouse.

“We’re very appreciative of Long Jetty Hotel’s hospitality and are encouraging members and guests to support the hotel by purchasing a meal before or after a game,” Purkiss said.

“We’re very much community driven and a club of great people having great fun.”

The Central Coast Bridge Club committee will regularly update both the community and club members on the project’s progress via its website:

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