Missed opportunity for Gosford

I have only lived on the Central Coast for seven years and the change has been massive.

Gosford was the ideal place to build a well-planned and liveable city on the water.

It is a natural amphitheatre and all the big buildings could have been at the back and gradually reduced in size as they reached the water.

 Everyone would have had a view and there would be no horrible dark cold areas.

Instead greed took over and no-one cares about providing an aesthetic liveable city.

It appears that when councils get sacked and administrators get put in rampant development will follow.

I believe we have missed a golden opportunity to create something special.

Email, Jul 30
Doug Cliff, Saratoga

16 Comments on "Missed opportunity for Gosford"

  1. Eric Havens | August 1, 2024 at 8:13 am |

    If you are against this sort development make sure you check the background of the so called independent candidates running in the upcoming council elections and what ones have the backing and funding from the big developers because you can be sure if they get into power it will get a lot worse.

  2. I couldn’t agree with you more. Ican see remnants of what must’ve been a lovely seaside town. Now gouged of character & turned into a satellite town for Sydney commuters. It really is a shame in somewhere so naturally beautiful.

  3. After living on the coast for the majority of my life and growing up in such a beautiful place, I had no hesitation of moving after witnessing self centred grubs called councillors line there own pockets and forget the needs of the Central Coast. Now just part of Sydney the coast is quickly spiralling in the wrong direction. If the coast people can find a decent councillor give them a go as our previous ones have been duds.

  4. Jennifer Gray | August 2, 2024 at 9:50 pm |

    I lived in Gosford when I was younger before I got married and have only just recently returned and the Gosford I knew and loved is gone all these big developers should not be allowed to take over.it is a shame.
    No more froggys or the Gosford hotel on the corner and Gosford marketplace is gone too what happened to beautiful Gosford.

  5. Peter Bull | August 2, 2024 at 9:52 pm |

    Agreed last place on earth you will find me

  6. I agree with Doug Cliff of Saratoga.

  7. Jeff clarke | August 3, 2024 at 12:38 am |

    I have lived on the Central Coast for 50 years all I can say is that is know a jungle of units which has destroyed a the natural beauty of the coast.
    The management of the council has let the developers destroy a great place for families to raise their families.
    Our roads system is a mess and is getting worse every year and who is to blame for the disaster the state government and the management of the council all I can say is i hope it’s not too late to fix the situation.

  8. it’s been happening way before the last seven years… I lived there for over twenty years until late 2017..the unemployment and the fact there is little housing for renters and Gosford town it self was being missed as you went over Now McGown Bridge and straight to Erin .the fair andd Terrigal so maybe it’s the bridge for a start..You go over Gosford.

  9. Paul Searle | August 3, 2024 at 6:18 am |

    That horrible white thing going up in the centre of town dominates the city scape. I would vote for it to be torn down. It seems that the worst possible decision has been made by Gosfords planners at every single turn.

  10. Ann-marie Wittig | August 3, 2024 at 7:27 am |

    It’s a shame that something wasn’t done in time to save Wyoming Caravan Park being bought out by greedy owners. No-one even knows who they are, or what they represent. For years we have tried to find answers, but to no avail. Isn’t it time for the council, to start doing the right thing for the poor disadvantaged people who live there. Shame on you.

  11. Jack Zervos | August 3, 2024 at 9:25 am |

    These sentiments are what has ensured Gosford remained a decaying, depressing regional backwater for half a century and now finally as our beautiful city comes to life rather than celebrate the stunning evolution from years of hibernation the critics come out as usual. You can always move to Byron Bay …

  12. Brenda Brown | August 3, 2024 at 6:12 pm |

    I emigrated here 26 years ago with my husband and two boys. I hoped it would be a lively city for them to spend their young adult lives in. unfortunately it wasn’t to be. we and they are now hopeful that the time has finally come to have a vibrant city that doesn’t close at 5pm. I say bring it on with the new developments. we can make Gosford a place that people wNt to visit, live in and enjoy again!

  13. Doug Cliff argued for development in sympathy with the ethos of the place where we live. To argue against all development would be as stupid as arguing for development at all costs.

  14. The junkies drug addicts ruined Gosford it’s gone no devil pms t will work rip it all
    Down they need market place to reopen so we don’t have to go to bloody horrible erina fair poo it’s a hole now bring on Gosford not erina

  15. What does everyone expect to happen? Gosford is now and has been for over a decade a dump – Because no investment was made in the area for 30 years!!
    Inject some funds, bring new blood into the area, get some new businesses opening with enough locals to sustain them and it’ll be alright again. People need to actually live in the area or it will die even more.

  16. Graeme Hancock | August 14, 2024 at 11:22 am |

    Gosford used to be a vibrant place to hangout for the youth of the area. Friday and Saturday nights the local boys all showed off their cars and their girlfriends, go to the movies, buy hamburgers and milkshakes at the local cafes maybe go to one of the three local hotels or if you’re old enough go to a show at the leagues club. Also baker street dance, froggies skatingor blue light disco for the younger kids. But that was back in the good old days when Gosford was a vibrant place to spend time.

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