Is electing former councillors a good idea?

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We are heading to elect new councillors in September – with emphasis on new – candidates with fresh new outlooks of what is needed for the Central Coast going forward.

I see former councillors reapplying for selection: former Gosford councillor, Federal MP and senator Belinda Neal, former Wyong mayor Doug Eaton, former Central Coast mayor Jane Smith, former Wyong councillor Sue Wynn and former Gosford mayor Lawrie McKinna.

I feel that re-installing previous councillors could cause the council to slide backwards.

Also the new councillors would be calling on advice from these previous councillors on what way they should fill their role, which might be a backward step.

If anyone feels the same way as me, write to the Coast Community News as this will affect everyone living on the Central Coast.

Belinda Neal is Labor’s top candidate with a team of 15 people to fill all seats in all wards.

This would make the Central Coast Council a northern Labor seat; imagine what the Labor Party/Council would push through on to ratepayers.

Then we have the Lawrie McKinna Party, Team Central Coast, with 15 people to fill all seats in all wards.

Again, if elected they would make the council very lopsided, cutting out any opposition comments being aired at meetings.

We do need the five wards and 15 councillors so ratepayers and residents can get time to air grievances or have a councillor attend an area to physically see any problem.

Having some independent councillors is needed to balance out the main parties’ takeover of ratepayers’ interests.

On the referendum – vote for 15 councillors and keep the five wards as they are.

Don’t let previous councillors and upper management take over the council or we will be back into the 2015 period again.

Let’s move forward.

Email, Aug 19
Name withheld, Warnervale

2 Comments on "Is electing former councillors a good idea?"

  1. Kevin Spencer | August 25, 2024 at 6:41 pm | Reply

    Doug Eaton and Greg Best should not be standing. ultimately it was their votes which brought on The amalgamation between Wyong and Gosford councils. I believe that was a factor in the financial crisis.

  2. Name withheld seems to be stretching the point in applying his views to Belinda Neal She was a councillor in 1991 with Gosford City Council which is 35 years ago, and the council was well run then. I think she has the experience but is not affected by recent involvement like others such as Lawrie McKinna, Doug Eaton and Jane Smith. The council election will mean we get a mixture of Councillors not all from one group and I think it is important to have a Councilor with broad experience but untainted by the events of the last decade.

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