International peace performance Credo comes to Gosford

Yantra de Vilder's Credo performance under the Harbour Bridge in Sydney. Photo by Zia Moreau

On Saturday evening, August 24, the Naughty Noodle Fun Haus Factory in Gosford will host an extraordinary cultural event: Credo – a multi-arts production composed by the internationally acclaimed Yantra de Vilder.

Performances in Sydney and the Northern Rivers have received world-wide critical acclaim through numerous international music film festivals.

The powerful performance is built around de Vilder’s award-winning original compositions and songs, brought to life by her own Ephemera Choir and Ensemble.

Credo is a contemporary song cycle that has evolved from an online film festival sensation into a live theatrical experience.

With its stunning film visuals and evocative music, the performance immerses the audience in a narrative that explores the power of art to connect, uplift and inspire.

Yantra de Vilder during a performance

Conceived during the global lockdowns and the Northern Rivers floods, Credo was born in a time of profound global challenges—when singing and dancing were restricted.

In this context, de Vilder’s work stands as a bold statement of cultural resilience, highlighting the essential role of the arts in sustaining the human spirit.

The performance at the Fun Haus will be a visual and auditory feast, featuring de Vilder’s award-winning compositions paired with the dynamic voices of The Ephemera Choir.

The unique event showcases the artistry and vision of a multi-disciplinary creator who believes deeply in the transformative power of creativity.

“I believe music and the arts have the power to lift our spirits,” de Vilder said.

“I believe they are essential services.

“I believe in a Brave New World where we rise up for creativity and humanity.”

Credo is more than just a performance; it is a manifesto of belief in the arts as a force for positive change.

Tickets are available at