Inspiring photographic exhibition empowers women

Victoria Fitzmaurice

Following the successful launch at The Red Tree Theatre in June where it was extended another month by popular demand, photographic exhibition Inspire – Women Empowering Women now moves to The Art House before leaving the Central Coast.

Opening night of the exhibition by multi-award-winning photographer and business owner Victoria Fitzmaurice will be on September 6.

She has urged women to come along and see for themselves why this exhibition has received such positive community feedback, together with A Recognition Statement from NSW Parliament for her vision and commitment to helping women. 

Following many viewer responses, Fitzmaurice is now eagerly reaching out to galleries in rural NSW.

Conceived during COVID times through reflection of her photographic journey, she said she was inspired by the amazing women she had been privileged to meet.

The incredible depth of their stories made her increasingly aware of the humanity and complex nuances that exist in our society. 

“It takes a village” sparked the nurturing vision for this exhibition.

“Women connecting and empowering other women on so many topical issues and injustices that subtly, or profoundly, affect us as women was predominant,” Fitzmaurice said.

“The remarkable women represented in this exhibition demonstrate extraordinary resilience, and a fierce determination not to be defined by adversity, gender, or discrimination. 

“Insightful stories align each participants portrait – articulating individual experiences – offering hope and inspiration to female audiences of all ages, influencing beyond gender.

“This exhibition has the potential to touch many lives.

“For some, a story might resonate deeply in the present moment, while for others, reflecting on the narratives and powerful images, may serve as a source of future inspiration, providing hope or igniting courage. 

“For many it will afford the knowledge that they are not alone.”

“This exhibition celebrates these inspirational women with the aim to empower other women.

“It has a bold vision to drive conversations that spark proactive change for better outcomes, particularly for those suffering at the hands of abusive crimes, and to amplify voices against discrimination on every level.”

Opening night is Friday, September 6 at 6pm.

Tickets are $25 and includes canapes, glass of sparkling wine and meeting our inspiring women

Bookings via The Art House or call 4335 1485.  

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