Greyhound march called into question

Readers' forum letters

So, a “massive” crowd of less than 100 marched in Sydney calling on the closure of greyhound racing – and this warrants a front page coverage (Issue 452)?

This deluded group calling themselves the Animal Justice Party are not based in the real world – over many years they have been pushing the following causes: They want to stop people owning a pet by abolishing the property status of animals; they want to ban all animal farming therefore all people to become vegans; they want to ban all forms of animal racing, zoos, rodeos, etc; they want a shift away from road transport since it harms animals and a shift towards walking and cycling.

They have no concept of the high level of care racing animals receive.

Thankfully the Premier and our local MP have a rational approach to animal racing.

The Premier has been recently quoted as saying there are absolutely no plans to ban greyhound racing, or any other form of racing for that matter.

Both racing codes are highly regulated.

Contrast that with the favourable reporting on the last page of your newspaper (Issue 452), headed “Fashion and thoroughbreds shine at Wyong” .

Yet thoroughbred racing and greyhound racing codes are grounded in the same principles.

Of course, greyhound racing is occupied by “battlers” and is an easy target while thoroughbred racing is certainly the sport of “kings”.

This latest article seems to be part of an extremely biased, ill-informed campaign by this newspaper; perhaps a focus on more pressing (real) issues such as youth crime, domestic violence etc would be more meaningful.

Email, August 25

Wal Simmons, Gwandalan

3 Comments on "Greyhound march called into question"

  1. Absolutely correct- all animal racing is horrible and should be banned. Thanks for pointing this out Wal.

  2. So true Wal. All animal racing is terrible and should be banned. Thank you for making this clear.

  3. We do need to look at youth crime and domestic violence as you point out, Wal. However, using animals for racing is horrible and cruel and is driven mainly by on-line gambling which, together with alcohol consumption, ultimately results in youth crime and domestic violence.

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