Gosford campus of University of Newcastle powers ahead

Adam Crouch on site with members of the project team

Construction of the University of Newcastle’s world-class Gosford Campus continues to power ahead, with the ground floor slabs recently completed and preparations now underway for development of the first floor.

A sustainable concrete mix that uses 80 per cent recycled water and contains 60 per cent less cement than standard concrete is being used on the project, with mass timber being used for the interior frame to reduce carbon emissions.

The building will feature a distinctive glass facade with curved elements, a frit pattern and double glazing to achieve the highest design and sustainability standards.

Shadow Minister for the Central Coast and Member for Terrigal Adam Crouch recently checked out progress with the project team comprising representatives from the University of Newcastle, Hansen Yuncken and the APP Group.

“I am so proud to see the Gosford campus power ahead,” Crouch said.

“It will soon be a reality for thousands of students on the Central Coast thanks to the former Liberal-National Government.

“It was our government’s vision to develop Gosford into an education and innovation hub, providing the necessary land and an $18M commitment to make this happen.

“When a government works side by side with a great university like the University of Newcastle, we can achieve real results for our region’s future.”

But Crouch said while the uni campus was powering ahead, the same could not be said for the proposed new TAFE in Gosford.

“There has been utter silence on the proposal for a state-of-the-art TAFE in the heart of Gosford, which was part of the former government’s education plan for the Central Coast,” he said.

“This is yet again reflective of this government’s lack of delivery and vision for thriving region, and the longer this project languishes, the more the Central Coast will suffer.”

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