Former mayor Doug Eaton runs as Independent

From left: Greg Best, Doug Eaton and Allan McDonald

Former Wyong mayor Doug Eaton will contest the September 14 Council election as an Independent Liberal in the Budgewoi ward.

Eaton is president of the Warnervale branch of the Liberal Party as set out in his nomination form and says while Party HQ did not formally endorse a candidate for Budgewoi he is working collaboratively with the other Liberal candidates.

Eaton’s team of three also includes his number two Allan McDonald, who has coached tennis at Toukley for about 40 years, and former mayor and long-standing independent councillor Greg Best at number three.

Eaton was the longest serving mayor of Wyong Council and one of its longest serving councillors.

He said his major achievement was The Art House at Wyong which is the major cultural venue on the Coast.

Eaton said he was running in the Budgewoi ward as it was the only ward wholly within the former Wyong shire and he believed it hadn’t had a fair go from the merged Central Coast Council.

“Projects like the Colongra sports fields and the Lake Munmorah skate park that I started as mayor some eight or more years ago still haven’t commenced construction,” he said.

“It’s just not good enough.

“The roads are a disgrace with more potholes than tar.

“Examining Council’s accounts shows they are not spending enough to fund the some 2,000km of council roads; there has to be more money invested in this most important of Council functions.

“We have to go back to basics and have a laser focus on our core responsibilities.

“With my experience and qualifications in law and accounting I believe I can make a difference and improve the Council.”

Eaton was awarded an Order of Australia in 2015 for services to the community of the Central Coast and local government.

He is Chair of Central Coast Group Training Ltd , a local not-for-profit business which recruits, employs and arranges training for jobseekers, and is the largest employer of apprentices on the Coast.

Also, Eaton is a principal solicitor.

6 Comments on "Former mayor Doug Eaton runs as Independent"

  1. How do two of the same people who were responsible for CC Council going into administration have the hide to stand again ?
    Absolute disgrace.

  2. Rob King, I think many of us echo your sentiments. Let’s hope commonsense prevails and they don’t get any support.

  3. I’ve been living on the C/coast for most of life yet our roads are third world. no kerb and guttering, open drains etc. the person who shows some desire to fix this will get my vote.

  4. I would rather vote for an inanimate carbon rod than Doug Eaton. How’s that Chappy Pie?

  5. So the man who xxxx the Mayor’s desk in Wyong Shire Council chambers and negotiated a flawed, corrupt Theme Park deal and who was resoundingly voted out 7 years ago has the audacity to run again? Shame Doug Eaton. Shame.

  6. Kuntious Maximus | September 14, 2024 at 10:27 am | Reply

    xxxx xxxx. Moderate that. You woke pieces of xxxx.

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