Driver five times over the limit

Police immediately withdrew the driving privileges of a 55-year-old driver who recorded an alcohol breath test five times over the limit.

At about 7pm on Monday, August 5, Tuggerah Lakes Highway Patrol was called to a residential street in Mannering Park after reports of a vehicle crash involving a White Nissan Navara colliding with a number of bins placed out on the kerb.

Police found the driver trying to reverse the vehicle out of a culvert, colliding into the rear of a parked vehicle before he threw the keys from the vehicle.

Police said they noted the driver was affected by alcohol and he subsequently failed a roadside breath test.

The man was arrested and conveyed to Wyong Police Station where he underwent a breath analysis returning a reading of 0.271 grams of alcohol in 210 litres of breath.

As a result of the reading the driver was issued with an immediate suspension and confiscation of his driver’s licence and was charged for driving with high range PCA.

The charge will be heard in Wyong Local Court at a later date.