Digital upgrade for Gosford TAFE

Gosford TAFE

Gosford TAFE will receive a $569,000 digital and WiFi upgrade as one of 68 TAFE NSW campuses to share a funding boost of $74M over two years to improve digital infrastructure.

The multi-million-dollar investment includes upgrading the outdated 2009 network, enhancing connectivity across the 68 campus locations, and providing 14,900 new devices for students, employees, and teaching spaces.

Member for Gosford Liesl Tesch said the upgrades were essential for supporting modern educational needs in hybrid learning environments.

By enhancing digital infrastructure, all students regardless of location, will have access to the technology they need to succeed.

The first stage of the improvements, which includes WiFi and digital infrastructure upgrades, will be completed at 28 campuses by the end of August.

An additional 40 campuses are scheduled for completion by June 2025.

“In this day and age, good quality digital infrastructure isn’t a nice-to-have learning tool, it is a critical aspect of providing engaging, world-leading education and skills to our next generation of workers,” Tesch said.

“I am thrilled to see that Gosford TAFE has received $569,000 in funding for digital and WiFi upgrades, ensuring that its fabulous educators and students are best placed to enter the job market in emerging industries.”

Minister for Skills, TAFE, and Tertiary Education Steve Whan said investing in technology-enriched campuses would enable TAFE NSW to better deliver skills for critical and emerging industries.

“To date, we have already provided more than 6,000 new classroom devices for learners,” he said.

“Investing in TAFE NSW ensures that the capacity to deliver skills for critical and emerging industries for a modern economy is increased, and key workers in priority industries are trained to build a robust, scalable, and skilled workforce.”

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