Crackdown on illegal dog walkers at Wamberal

New signage warns dog walkers of off limit areas

The NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service (NPWS) and Central Coast Council have installed new signs at Wamberal Lagoon Nature Reserve and around Wamberal Surf Club to remind dog owners of the areas that are off limits.

It is illegal to bring dogs into Wamberal Lagoon Nature Reserve, including the lagoon and the beach north of Wamberal Surf Club, as well as Council’s Dogs Prohibited area running south of Wamberal Surf Club to Surfers Lane.

Pet owners face on-the-spot fines of between $300 and $3,300 if their dogs are found in restricted areas.

Reports of illegal activity have increased significantly, such as walking in the nature reserve, uncontrolled dogs and owners not picking up after their pets.

New signs installed at Remembrance Dr and around Wamberal Surf Club clearly show where dogs are permitted, including Council’s off-lead dog exercise area south of Surfers Lane, Wamberal.

A NPWS spokesperson said it was illegal to bring a dog into a national park or nature reserve in NSW as they could harm native animals and disrupt park visitors’ enjoyment (unless the dog is a certified assistance animal).

“Additionally, dogs marking bushland or grasses can deter native animals from their habitat,” the spokesperson said.

“Wamberal Lagoon is one of the last remaining coastal lagoons in NSW that has not been heavily impacted by urban development.

“The nature reserve also protects habitat for at least seven species of migratory birds, including the Pacific golden plover and the bar-tailed godwit.”

NPWS and Council Rangers will be undertaking compliance patrols.

NPWS Area Manager Steve Atkins said it was great to see so many people using the nature reserve to exercise, but bringing dogs into the national park and north along Wamberal Beach towards Spoon Bay is illegal and having a negative impact on other park users, native wildlife and nutrient levels within the lagoon.

“Recently, our rangers have had a number of disappointing interactions people bringing their dog into the nature reserve,” he said.

“While dog owners can face fines of $300, we are ultimately appealing to people to be responsible owners and respectful park users.

“Please utilise Council’s dedicated dog exercise areas and help us to protect Wamberal Lagoon Nature Reserve.”

Council’s Environment and Planning Acting Director Shannon Turkington said the Central Coast had the second highest number of registered dogs in NSW and Council received a correspondingly high number of dog inquiries and complaints.

“Council is addressing responsible dog ownership through a range of low-cost proactive and reactive measures including upgrading or replacing missing, vandalised or broken signage across the Local Government Area, adopting a Responsible Dog Ownership Policy, drafting of the proposed Dogs in Open Space Action Plan and ongoing community education initiatives,” Turkington said.

“In April, Council undertook an educational responsible dog ownership pop-up stall at Terrigal, which was also attended by rangers.

“The pop-up stall was designed to provide residents with information on where it is appropriate to walk your animals in Terrigal/Wamberal.

“Council’s team of 12 rangers patrol popular areas such as our beaches and reserves as often as possible and respond to dog-related complaints on an almost daily basis.”

16 Comments on "Crackdown on illegal dog walkers at Wamberal"

  1. John MacSporran | August 26, 2024 at 7:13 pm | Reply

    I regularly fish on Wamberal beach North of the lagoon and it is quite obvious that dog owners have taken absolutely no notice of those new signs especially on weekends when visitors also come and use the beach with their dogs.

  2. Graham Hughes | August 27, 2024 at 3:29 am | Reply

    Council should point dog owners to The Haven off-leash exercise area. Oh, but they are trying to get rid of that too! Does our Council hate dogs?

  3. forresters beach is also not good. Every time I walk along the beach there are many off leash dogs. There are signs but obviously people don’t care

  4. Martin Daubert | August 27, 2024 at 7:33 am | Reply

    central coast council will not have their rangers patrol this area as they are too concerned with issuing parking fines.

  5. About time this has been going on for years and council aware but no action.i doubt the moorons that let their dogs poop and piddle on the beach will take any notice though

  6. It’s about time!
    We moved into the area last year and really appreciate the lovely off leash dog areas that council provides but have been appalled at the number of arrogant dog owners that let their pets off leash all along the beach. And we have not seen any rangers or know of any consequences for those that do this.

  7. Long overdue. It is sickening to see dog excrement around the waters edge and young children playing nearby in the water. Plastic bags with dog excrement left on the beach.

  8. Great revenue raiser when signs aren’t always where dog owners access the areas. Dogs off lead at the Haven also a money spinner as dogs are unable to distinguish the invisible borders between path and grass.

  9. what a joke saying not heavily impacted,
    council have diverted the filth overflow into lagoon.
    The fish have bacteria and heaven knows what, its so infectious, Id be putting up signs..

  10. cabbage tree bay the same no regard for the signs

  11. Spoon Bay is the worst that I’ve seen. It’s clearly marked as a dog free park as it’s a national reserve park. A lot of locals who no better take their dogs for near daily walks there. They typically don’t clean up after their dog and they don’t keep them on a lead. This interferes with the native inhabitants and other locals that want to use that beach as a peaceful escape. the few times that I’ve said anything to people letting their dogs run wild, I’m met with something like “mind your F’ing business tourist. I live on the same street as the beach.

  12. that’s peoples attitude today

  13. Belinda Davies | August 28, 2024 at 2:55 pm | Reply

    I just keep getting more Pissed Off !

    Truely don’t stress all you Dog haters
    The Sea Wall will make your Doggy problems appear insignificant .

    As you can say goodbye to our resident black swans and all other wildlife .

    This is certainly not the CC it used to be !

    I’m at this Beach everyday and Council You Will end up destroying the Very Reason we all Live here .

    CC Council be careful as right now your
    Very close to having Blood on your Hands 😡

  14. Council signs do nothing these days as people know enforcement is non existent.

  15. Surfers often open and drain the lagoon for an hour of fun. Is that good for this environment?

  16. Wendy Stephenson | August 28, 2024 at 6:11 pm | Reply

    a very large number of central coast residents own dogs – I think it is about 65% – they pay rates and I think council needs to provide good parks and spots for them to exercise with their dogs – if the facilities were upgraded and maintained it would lead to better compliance – you may not like dogs but a large portion of rate/tax payers are entitled to consideration – some people also complain about bird poop – want to shoot them down? 😒

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