Councillors should be qualified and accountable

As we emerge from a period of forced administration and face a council election I must express my concern at a matter that has long bugged me: the qualifications to be admitted as a councillor and thereafter accountability for performance of duties and responsibilities.

I’m talking about all local government instrumentalities, not just Central Coast Council.

A council is a business, albeit one that is not for profit.

The Council is, in practice, the Board of that business.

Councillors, therefore, have significant responsibilities in running that business: the delivery of services and the management of ratepayers’ money.

To execute these responsibilities in the private sector, including in voluntary organisations, Board members are appointed and classified as company directors.

They have legal responsibilities and accountabilities under legislation.

Every director is registered and allocated a registration number.

There are no such rules governing councillors; there is no legal accountability.

If we think back to Central Coast Council going into administration, not one councillor (then) was held accountable at law.

Indeed the same people can run for office again this upcoming election.

This really is an insult to ratepayers who have every right to expect their contributions to be safeguarded and spent both wisely and lawfully.

It’s time to rewrite, not just amend, the Local Government Act to: have all councillors classified and registered as company directors with related responsibilities and accountabilities; have all councillors attend and qualify at a company director’s course prior to nominating for election as a councillor; and align penalties for failing to meet their responsibilities with those applicable to company directors.

Remember, councillors are financially remunerated; they don’t do this work for nothing.

I note that some in our community want fewer councillors, some want more.

Might I say, it’s not the number that counts, it’s the quality.

Email, Aug 10
John George, Terrigal

3 Comments on "Councillors should be qualified and accountable"

  1. Well expressed, thankyou for your observations.

  2. Here, here!
    Absolutely correct.

  3. Councillor capability is important. Corinne Lamont is running as an Independent for The Entrance ward and has an interesting professional background as a former bank accountant and Martin Place HQ bank branch manager. The ability to analyse financial statements is essential. Independence is also important, as is a background in local volunteering. Corinne brings all that to the table. She is Group D on the Entrance ballot paper.

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