Council needs to be proactive

Central Coast Council fails to enforce (fine) and/or act on complaints.

From illegal parking to rubbish on the kerb side, dogs off leads, illegal building works etc, the Council takes very little action if any on these matters.

If you call ranger services the issue is often (resolved) before the ranger arrives or the perpetrators have gone.

There is no deterrent to stop repeat offenders.

Furthermore the Council has a reactive approach to complaints not a proactive approach.

Complacency has set in, where there should be zero tolerance.

Email, Aug 21
Glen Hughes, Avoca Beach

1 Comment on "Council needs to be proactive"

  1. Falling apart! | August 23, 2024 at 5:58 am | Reply

    I am not a fan of zero tolerance. However, there is a sense that illegal construction, like on the beach at Blue Bay, and dogs being brought onto no dog beaches where they disturb sand nesting birds and other wildlife, need attention. Things like this getting out of hand, needing attention, make for a deteriorating community ambience.

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