Concern for environment lacking from candidates

letters 3Letters to the editor

With a team of 15 to cover every ward across the Central Coast, Lawrie McKinna (CCN Issue 449) detailed his team’s priorities as business, sport, long-term growth, health, infrastructure, tourism and public transport.

Ambitious goals indeed.

But not the merest mention of our environment, the impact of climate change, loss of biodiversity or protection of our precious COSS lands which give the Coast its diverse landscape with dense vegetation that helps reduce the urban heat island effect, cools and cleans the air we breathe.  

Surely it is the encircling green ridge tops, national parks and open spaces that make our area special and appealing to locals, newcomers and tourists. 

The protection of our ridge tops by the far-sighted COSS scheme keeps our city unique with an ever-expanding population. 

What assurances can Lawrie McKinna and his team offer to ensure that National Park status is given to protect COSS permanently from the development that is promised for our area? 

Will the environment have equal status to his other priorities?

Email, August 25

Carey Buls, Saratoga.   

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