Caught at almost double speed limit

Drink-driver caught speeding

A 61-year-old man had his driver’s licence suspended immediately when he was detected driving 43km/h over the speed limit and registering mid-range PCA.

Brisbane Water Highway Patrol spotted the driver just after 6pm on Thursday, August 22, on The Scenic Road, MacMasters Beach, travelling at 93km/h in the 50 km/h zone.

When police stopped the driver he was submitted to a roadside breath test, returning a positive result and then placed under arrest and taken back to Terrigal Police Station where he supplied a sample of breath for analysis returning a mid-range PCA reading of 0.102.

The driver was issued with a penalty notice for exceeding the speed limit by more than 30km/h, copping a $1,097 fine plus five demerit points.

His licence was immediately suspended and he was issued with a court attendance notice to appear before Gosford Local Court on the DUI charge.

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