Calls to tear down ‘ugly’ Azzurro Blu Wharf

David Mehan calls on Central Coast Council to either tear down Azzurro Blu or take over management

Member for The Entrance David Mehan has called on Central Coast Council to either tear down the Azzurra Blu Wharf building at The Entrance or take over its management.

The council-owned building is leased to a business who sub-leases parts of the building to other businesses.

The once thriving wharf was home to a myriad of restaurants and a function centre.

All except two have been closed for some years.

The building was built on public land and approved by the former Wyong Council in 2006.

The waterfront development, originally known as The Fisherman’s Wharf, was to incorporate restaurants, retail tenancies, public facilities and the boardwalk.

A condition of consent also required a public observation deck to be available for use by the public during operating hours.

Presently, fencing believed to be erected by the leaseholder has blocked access to the boardwalk and the observation deck.

Mehan said many residents had contacted his office about the future of the building.

He said as he understood that Council and the leaseholder were in dispute as to the management of the building and now engaged in legal proceedings.

He has called on Council to either take back management or demolish the building.

“It’s an ugly and poorly executed building which blocks the public space,” he said.

“I’d prefer to see it removed.

“If Council won’t remove the building – after all we don’t lack empty shopfronts in The Entrance – it should manage Azzurro Blu itself; it does manage other Council-owned buildings.”

“The building has not been properly managed or maintained for many years now.”

He said all the restaurants on the waterfront side of the building were closed.

A spokesperson said Council was unable to provide any comment as legal proceedings were underway in relation to the issue.

1 Comment on "Calls to tear down ‘ugly’ Azzurro Blu Wharf"

  1. Keith Saladine | August 11, 2024 at 8:06 pm |

    I don’t agree that the building is ugly,the location is idealy suited as a restaurant which it already is, pulling it down would leave an ugly scar which wond never be developed, maybe if the council offered an incentive to encourage restauranters to occupy the building and revitalise the sight would be nice instead of the rediculous idea of pulling it down. Maybe the community should decide. The Entrance waterfront has so much potential but is ignored by people without vision or imagination.

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