Call for fix to Davistown wharf

Member for Terrigal Adam Crouch with residents Wyn (Tiny) Hodges and Lee McCullough on the wharf

Member for Terrigal Adam Crouch is calling for the NSW Government to support the upgrade of the Lintern Street Wharf at Davistown following the its recent announcement of the new Boating Infrastructure and Dredging Scheme.

The scheme consists of programs designed for maintenance works on boating infrastructure, improving access for older boaters and boaters with a disability, repair and replacement of assets impacted by natural disaster and funding for dredging projects.

“With the government’s announcement of the new Boating Infrastructure and Dredging Scheme, the community and I will be calling for funding to support an upgrade of the Lintern Street Wharf at Davistown,” Crouch said.

“I have repeatedly called on the Minns Labor Government to support our community and upgrade the wharf, which has seen a rapid decline into dilapidation over the past years.

“The previous Liberal-National Government provided millions of dollars for upgrades to several local wharves across the Central Coast, including at Woy Woy, Empire Bay and Tacoma; there is no reason that the same cannot be done for Lintern Street Wharf.”

Former Davistown Progress Association President Jenny McCulla said there was a serious need for the upgrade, with the wharf and parking area being in very poor condition.

“The Progress Association has been advocating for improvements for at least three years now, with two very large petitions of over a thousand signatures collected and tabled with Central Coast Council and our Member of Parliament Adam Crouch,” she said.

“All signatories are serious about the need to upgrade the wharf area, for local commuters as well as fishermen and women and children, along with recreational boaters, who use the wharf throughout the year.

“Hopefully the current State Government will listen to our pleas for repairs, renovations and replacement.”

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