Somersby Falls precinct reopens

Member for Gosford Liesl Tesch cuts the ribbon at the reopening of Somersby Falls

The new and improved Somersby Falls Visitor Precinct was officially reopened on June 9.

Located in the beautiful rainforest setting of Brisbane Water National Park, alongside waterfalls and viewing platforms, the area has been revitalised thanks to $4.4M from NSW Government.

Member for Gosford Liesl Tesch represented Environment Minister Penny Sharpe to cut the ribbon, just in time for the school holidays.

“Somersby Falls is an absolute gem of the Central Coast, with cascading falls and stunning walking trails; it is the perfect place to visit with family and friends for a picnic or walk, getting back into nature,” Tesch said.

“Our national parks are places to be in nature, to swim, to seek adventure, to understand Aboriginal heritage and to appreciate the beauty of our natural environment.

“The beauty of this location is definitely well recognised, with over 110,000 visitors to Somersby Falls recorded in 2021 drawing in visitors from our local community and from across NSW.

“I know that many across our community have memories (of) visiting this picturesque location.

“I am proud that our Government is ensuring that our national parks’ conservation values remain protected and cared for into the future for generations to come.

“Alongside improved visitor amenities and safety upgrades, I am so glad to see that this upgrade has focused on improving accessibility at the falls, ensuring that everyone across our community can enjoy the beauty that our national parks have to offer.

“With an average of 50-60 million visits to our NSW national parks across the year, it is so important that accessibility upgrades are considered in any future works to ensure that everyone can enjoy the benefits and beauty of getting out in nature.

“A special thank you to the team at the National Parks and Wildlife Service for achieving this fantastic outcome, after many years of hard work since the design phase started in 2019.

“Thank you to the teams that worked so hard on this project, in particular Laurie Pasco, Tim Woods, Rachel Kempers and Steve Atkins.”

Features of the improved visitor precinct include a new small bus drop-off and pick-up location, a new carpark with increased capacity and improved accessibility across the site.

This includes dedicated accessible parking spaces, improved accessible visitor amenities and accessible access across the precinct, including a new accessible viewing platform at the falls.