Positive drug test for suspended driver

A suspended driver nabbed for speeding and returning a positive drug test now has a date with the local court after being arrested by Brisbane Water Highway Patrol.

The highway patrol detected a Toyota Corolla sedan travelling south on the M1 near Bar Point on Tuesday, July 9, at about 3:30pm.

His speed was checked at up to 124km/h in the 90km/h speed zone.

The driver was stopped nearby where he produced his driver’s licence on the Service NSW app but police discovered the licence was due to unpaid fines.

The unpaid fines related to previous charges for the same offence.

Roadside testing resulted in a positive test to cannabis and methamphetamine.

He was arrested and taken to Gosford Police Station where further testing again returned a positive indication.

The driver will now face court in relation to his licence, speeding and drug related offences.