Must-see Aussie theatre for young people

Trophy Boys is coming to The Art House

With themes of power and privilege set around a high school debating team, the satirical comedy Trophy Boys is a spunky piece of Aussie theatre coming to The Art House on August 2.

Powerful and compelling, this is a must-see hit of theatre for teens and young people.

A satirical comedy about misogyny, gendered socialisation and toxic masculinity, Trophy Boys is on the up.

Revived for a national tour following sold-out seasons and rave reviews in 2023, The Art House is just one of two NSW venues to secure the work, which is being lauded as a culturally important piece of theatre that every young person should see.

Rambunctious, hilarious, and shocking, the play follows an elite boys’ school debate team in crisis.

Tasked with arguing the affirmative that ‘feminism has failed women’, these Trophy Boys played by an all-female and non-binary cast in drag, know they’ll need to tread carefully to avoid getting cancelled.

Using socially acceptable criticism of feminist rhetoric, the boys think they’ve cracked it, until a member of the team is anonymously accused of sexual assault.

Exploring the well-documented links between privilege and entitlement with classism, sexism, and homophobia, Trophy Boys thrusts audiences into the lives and times of young men with the world at their feet and outlines why they think they’re allowed to step on people.

From camaraderie to coercion, Trophy Boys is a unique spoof take on school boys behaving badly that continues to find relevance in the actions of the school boys of today.

If you lived your school days in a haze of Lynx Africa, if you’ve got highschoolers of your own, or if you just like to argue, don’t miss this important conversation starter before it heads elsewhere.

Sold out across Sydney, The Art House is the only place in NSW where audiences can still see this spunky piece of Aussie theatre.