Mangrove Mountain group push to save bushland after Administrator’s rezoning

View from Rumbalara Reserve, one of many assets that are part of COSS

Mangrove Mountain and Districts Community Group has joined an alliance of Central Coast groups in calling on Planning Minister Paul Scully to reject a Central Coast Council rezoning proposal affecting at least 300ha of bushland.

The move follows Administrator Rik Hart’s endorsement at a Council meeting earlier this year to rezone 3,438 land parcels, mostly rural-residential, hobby farms and conservation lifestyle blocks.

Most of the land is currently zoned 7(c)2 – Scenic Protection – Rural Small Holdings or 7(a) Conservation.

The move is yet to be approved by Minister Scully.

In the letter to Scully, spokesperson for the Mangrove Mountain group Poppe Zouroudis said members were “gravely concerned” about the proposal that could see “thousands of hectares of conservation land on the NSW Central Coast needlessly downgraded and destroyed”.

“Thanks to the foresight of Gosford City Council way back in the 1970s, a network of natural bushland reserves was created, to be kept as community land in council ownership for passive recreation and conservation,” the letter said.

“Coastal Open Space System or COSS is the reason why the former Gosford City local government area, now the southern half of the Central Coast LGA, has green escarpment as far as the eye can see, and unique reserves including Rumbalara, Katandra, Kincumba Mountain, Captain Cook Memorial Park and Winney Bay Reserve – loved and enjoyed by residents and visitors.

“The Central Coast Council Administrator Rik Hart has pushed through a proposal that will downgrade deferred lands to the C3 and C4 zones which will open them up to unnecessary and inappropriate clearing and development.

“This is not like-for-like and it will take a wrecking ball to our COSS lands strategy.”

The letter stated the Biodiversity Conservation and Science Directorate (BCS) within the Environment and Heritage Group in the Department of Climate Change, Environment, Energy and Water had advised against the move.

“This is native species habitat – essential for the protection of biodiversity on the Central Coast now and for all future generations,” the letter said.

“BCS said all deferred matters land zoned 7(a) should be zoned C2 (Conservation). This is like-for-like and the only way to protect this land from development.

“We urge Minister Scully to take the advice of his government’s Biodiversity Conservation and Science Group.

“Refuse Council’s recommendation and adopt the recommendation of the Biodiversity Conservation and Science Group from the Department of Climate Change, Environment, Energy and Water.”

The alliance of community groups says if Scully approves Central Coast Council’s recommendation, it will: destroy the unique visual landscape, character and lifestyle of the Central Coast; eliminate extensive areas of threatened species habitat; fail to protect local Aboriginal cultural heritage; wreck wildlife corridors between National Parks, State Forests and reserves; and devastate the future of the region’s Coastal Open Space System (COSS).

COSS is a network of scenic bushland reserves owned and managed by the local council since the 1970s which is a one-of-a-kind and found nowhere else in NSW.

13 Comments on "Mangrove Mountain group push to save bushland after Administrator’s rezoning"

  1. Vicki Duff | July 30, 2024 at 2:50 pm |

    Our beautiful hinterland is a treasure, a place to retreat from urban stressors, an oasis for native flora and fauna, literally a breath of fresh air. We are so fortunate to have it so near.
    It is also a drawcard for tourists and
    daytrippers from Sydney. It is more valuable, in the long run, to be
    left in its natural state. Dont allow its destruction – please

  2. this is proof that Rik Hart is as out of touch as the Councillors who were the cause of the Council going into administration

  3. Absolutely disgraceful.
    This Cannot be approved.

  4. This proposal to rezone this land should be totally rejected the administrator and the council needs to leave the land as is and preserve the Central Coast as it is so we that live here continue to enjoy the Coast as we know and love it leave our Bushland alone .

  5. Matthew Ross | July 31, 2024 at 3:34 am |

    this is pretty scary stuff and it is happening all over the coast so far I myself have created Save the A Track Charmhaven and Save the Oasis Caravan Park Kanwal. Both have C2 land within the area both have Endangered and Critically Endangered species I have had to organise groups and people and get them writing submissions. we organised Facebook and I took seasonal photos

  6. Lynne Wilson | July 31, 2024 at 1:07 pm |

    I always fear for the preservation of our beautiful diversity, our precious wildlife, the bush in general. where will it all stop. we don’t need or want more homes for humans, it is too sacred.

  7. Heather Jones | July 31, 2024 at 3:23 pm |

    Aren’t we finally getting to elect our own Council next election, which is soon. Surely the current administrator should be in care taking mode now and not making such huge decisions which will change the area forever.

  8. Diane Bowen | July 31, 2024 at 7:11 pm |

    Oppose this disgraceful destruction of our central coast. There will be no stopping this in other locations. just a start.

  9. Peter White | August 1, 2024 at 7:46 am |

    Our representative’s showed foresight when decisions in respect to this land were made some time ago. It is simply wrong that decisions made with our future in mind should be altered. Leave this land alone.

  10. the council should be worring about the roads that my son was killed on and other young lives that get taken instead of saying it’s from the rain..they way how council are going their won’t be no trees left and Australia will be looking like American with no trees

  11. Council (and the Administrator) should stick to its core role of providing water, sewer, drainage, roads and waste management at reasonable cost and not mess about with peripheral activities.

  12. Totally disgusting, leave our bush land alone.

  13. Robert Ovenden | August 4, 2024 at 7:48 pm |

    Rik Hart the administrator seems to be following his bosses orders, he is not a Central Coast resident and will soon run away. EVERYONE, we must all get to the council meeting – 4th Tuesday of the month at Hely St. Wyong. Public speakers at 5.45 and meeting starts 6.30. We need hundreds to turn up and show Rik we won’t take this lying down.

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